Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Its not just a day, its a new day

We had three new hires start at work last week. Their smiles, questions, and interactions with the rest of the group revealed that their hopes, dreams, and expectations were fresh. They came in full and looked forward to what the days, weeks, and months would bring; knowing nothing about what lied ahead, but knew it was full opportunities and growth. Although they might have been nervous or anxious about their first day, a day that would fuel their career, they all seemed pretty confident and excited to be where they were.

They were contagious; the intensity of their moods seemed to linger in the air, and one wouldn’t mind if it was caught. I sure didn’t.  It was refreshing to be in the midst of newness. I marveled at how they smiled, even though they knew they might be met with struggles and challenges down the road. As I transitioned back into my “day-to-day” I reflected on the couple of hours that I spent with my new co-workers, and how I should also look at each day as a new beginning.

When we open our eyes each day, we are afforded the opportunity to be a part of a day that we have never seen before, and a day that we will never see again.  We have a fresh start; no matter what did or didn’t happen yesterday, we have the opportunity to start again. We should enter into each day with hope; although we may know nothing about the outcome of the day, we know that our God has given us fresh mercy & grace to get through whatever the day may present. Just as my new co-workers came in smiling and eager to learn, we should be no different with each day. Yes there are going to be struggles & challenges, but our God has told us that we are more than conquerors. God will provide us with the tools to get through the hours, minutes, and seconds that seem daunting enough to knock us off our feet.

Let us rise above the mundane feeling that seeks to pull us into a lifeless rhythm. So when you wake tomorrow don’t look at the day as just an ordinary Thursday (or whatever day you wake up to), but a new Thursday.  A fresh Thursday that has been packed full of the essentials that you need to make it to the end.

Sink into that newness, let if refresh & revive you. God doesn’t just breathe air into our lungs so we can see Tuesday of last week; He provides something fresh & new for us to experience each day. 

Spread your wings ladies & take flight....

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