A Reminder...
As a single woman, i'll admit that I do get a little discouraged when I think about future relationships. Its hard to imagine that someone will pursue me with God at the forefront of their mind. I can't seem to grasp that a man will desire to love me like Christ loved the church; seeing not only a pretty face, but the worth that has sculpted (and will continue to sculpt) my inward parts exposing a beauty so rich and vibrant. Im awestruck at the fact that in this relationship God will be put first, and as we grow closer to Him we will grow closer to each other. We will share Christ's love, and use that love to help support each other in times when we are weak. It seems a little strange that someone will love me for who I am...flaws and all, embracing every part of me. Giving me the opportunity to totally be myself, a mess sometimes but totally together in Christ. I cant seem to take in that the same twinkle in his eye that was there in the beginning will still be there years later. Whew...
Although all this may seem hard to grasp, imagine, and take in...its so very real. It will happen...it is happening.
Everyday we get to experience that "future relationship" with God. We get to embrace the love that He constantly pours out on us. We get to feel loved, cared for, and treated like a queen.
I encourage you ladies to see God differently. He is not something that we praise only on Sundays. Everyday is a day to worship and praise our God. He will fulfill more than an earthly relationship ever will..He pursues us, thinks about us constantly, and has a permanent twinkle in His eye for us.
So ladies when you're feeling blue & your hope is sinking...lift up your head and make contact with your Savior. He's there...waiting on you to run into His arms. Let us enter into that "future relationship" now with God.
push through the hard times..the reward is far greater on the other side of the pain ....spread your wings ladies
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