During my quite/study time I always make a point to relate what I have read to my life. It helps to close the gap between the written words and what God wants me to learn. There is always a phrase, action, or show of character that I am able to draw and meditate on; arming myself in the future with a word that will aid in dismissing the devil if he ever attacks (and trust that he will). I recommend taking the time to journal whenever you study or spend time with God, just as if you were in school. I know that seems like a daunting task and not the greatest comparison to motivate you, but you will be amazed at what pours out of you. Give it a try, next time you read a chapter, passage, or even a verse take the time to write everything that comes to mind. If you don't understand a word look it up (and even those you think you do understand), don't be afraid to dig deep. It is usually what is hidden beneath the soil that has the richest treasures. After you have jotted down your thoughts and any definitions, take at least one detail (the one that made you raise your eyebrows) and expand and see where God takes you.
I'll give an example:
The scripture I read the other day was Mark 14 (Go ahead and read the chapter so you'll have an idea about what I am talking about :)). Here are some of the notes/details that I jotted down:
- Alabaster (The Free Dictionary): a fine-grained usually white, opaque, or translucent variety of gypsum used for statues, vases etc.
- Gypsum (The Free Dictionary): a widespread colorless, white or yellows mineral tinted by impurities.
- Nard (spikenard) (The Free Dictionary): an aromatic perennial herb of the Himalaya Mountains, having purple flowers. An ointment of antiquity, probably prepared from this aromatic plant.
- Would I break something very dear and near to my heart (or costly) and give it to Jesus? (V.3)The woman who broke the alabaster box was selfless
- When Jesus gives you instructions it will happen just as He says, but you must follow them just as He told you. (V.13-17)
- What stress Jesus must have been in if He asked for the hour to pass, BUT more than anything He wanted for God's will to be done. (V.36)
- V. 38 Reminds me of Hebrews 2:1 that explains that you must pay close attention lest you drift away. Drift away into temptation. You must keep watch [be on guard]. Your spirit may want to obey, but the flesh is not strong enough to walk with the spirit on its own.
The highlighted details/notes got my attention, some of my expanded notes:
- We must always pray and keep watch over our situations. God tells us many times throughout the bible to be alert or we will drift off into sin. We may want to do what is right, but if we let our flesh lead us we may not end up where we need to be. We don't need to miss God because we are being lazy or letting our flesh take over. We need to take the plane off autopilot, and let God come in and direct our path.
- Jesus still pressed through his valley, although he didn't necessarily want to. He ignored his feelings and went through the whole process of sacrificing his life. He did not skip any beatings, or mute any cruel remarks. He heard it all and endured it all!! Why did he go through it all- To show that he would do anything and everything for us. His love is that deep.
The lessons that are near and dear to you are usually learned through something that required a lot of time and effort. You remember the time spent, thus remembering the lesson. Spend some time with God today, learn the lesson that he is trying to teach you.
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