Sunday, November 16, 2014

Sweet Release

In a world where I devour and crave things, I look around at a life that is overflowing with clothes, bags, and electronics but not enough of Christ. I stuff the space around me with things that are pleasing to the senses, but shy away from those spiritual tools that will strengthen, sharpen, and place me closer to Christ. I cram minutes of the day with Facebook scrolls and email checks, satisfying nothing but the flesh that covers my hungry soul.

In a world where I have plenty my soul lacks, because I give in to the temptation of my flesh. The world is never enough, and my laziness consumes me. Enticing me to inhabit a space that is comforting, but produces no growth.

In a world where I have plenty, people around me lack. Lack the resources, knowledge, and necessities of life.  Lack the encouragement, hugs, and prayers needed in order to move in the right direction.

In a world where I have plenty, others should have plenty. Christ came to give, and that same spirit lives within me.  A spirit that is begging to be let out of the chains that holds it captive. Begging to be released and showered upon the world around me, knowing that joy upon joy will be packed upon me with its release (Proverbs 11:24).  Joy that this world cannot give nor can it take away without my permission.

Joy that comes with a simple release and a surrendered life. A life that is attached to the movement of Christ, wherever He goes my heart, my resources, and my life should follow. 

A surrendered life that seems scary and produces worry when standing with the world. Causing me to hesitate when Christ says a generous person will prosper (Proverbs 11:25), and that my barns and vats will be overflowing and brim over with new wine (Proverbs 3: 9,10).  A surrendered life that seems like I would be falling into the depths of the Grand Canyon with no comforts, no joy or peace.

But Christ is whispering that it won’t be like that. Yes I will have to take a leap of faith, but he’ll be there to catch me. He will be there to inject his joy and peace in the holes that the world and my flesh created.  He’ll be there to lavish me with his love and produce a world that is bursting with his presence. His presence that will never leave me nor forsake me. His presence that will go with me to the ends of the earth, and will wrap me up in his bosom.

A surrendered life. A sweet release.

Gosh I don’t know if you’re struggling like me, or if the Lord is tugging on your heart. But let us be open to what he has for us. He wants more for us. He wants eternity. We can receive some of what he has for us, or we can enter into a life that is overflowing with his goodness. Use some time today to rest in his presence. Open up your heart and take in what he is telling you. Most importantly ask that he would give you an obedient heart and you would say yes to whatever he is telling you to do. Gosh it’s scary. I know. It’s hard. I know. But let us begin to trust God with our life. He hasn’t failed us yet.

What is Christ asking for you to release?
Photo: Mine

Pray sisters. Pray like your heart depends on it (because it does).

I’m praying for you, please pray for me.

If you need specific prayer please send requests to or