Its comforting when I know that God is right by my side when He is speaking to me daily. Its like when your learning to ride a bike for the first time. You get on the bike without training wheels, and your mom, dad, sister, brother or whoever is teaching you has their hands on the bike and they are right there with you. You feel secure; whatever happens you know that you will be ok. You sense them near you; they're so close you can feel their presence. But then they let go, and you look back and realize that they aren't holding on anymore. What get scared and the bike gets a little wobbly. In the beginning of my relationship with God He felt so close. He would speak and it was like being at a surprise birthday party each time....simply amazing. As I grew, I believe God began to take the training wheels off, and began to take His hands of of my "bike". When my parents took their hands off they did not leave and say, "Well I'm through training you, I'm gone." They stayed near, watching. They were close enough to where if I needed them they were right by my side. Our father does the same. In certain seasons God becomes silent or His voice isn't as loud as it use to be. It might feel like He has left you, like He doesn't love you anymore, or doesn't believe in you. This is not the case at all; the fact is you're're maturing. He wants your faith to grow, and to take you to another level. Just think if you never took your training wheels off your bike, and always had to have someone running behind you with their hands on the bike. You would never grow, you would never get to the point where you could step out on faith. You would only trust if someone was right there with you. God wants you to do great things with your life, and you won't be able to experience great heights if you don't have unshakable faith. Praise Him! Know during these silent times God is maturing you, helping you to grow. He never leaves you, because He always lives within you. Romans 8:11 "And if the Spirit of him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, he who raised Christ form the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies because of his Spirit who lives in you" Yes its scary to not hear from your creator, your father, or your husband (Isaiah 54:5), but know that God is right there by your side. This is a time to grow closer and deeper, so that you will be able to hone in on His whisper.
God doesn't always shout out everything on a mountaintop, at times He whispers. This is a hard concept for me to understand at times. I want God to tell me my purpose, what direction I should take with my life, and pour into me everything that I want to know. But He doesn't, and its aggravating and frustrating. Although He doesn't tell me what I want to hear, He is still speaking. I can become so focused on hearing what I want to hear that I block out His whispers. I ignore when He tells me to do something simple as getting up earlier so I will be on time, or getting gas before I get on the highway. But then get disappointed because I don't think He is speaking to me. God doesn't only speak profound things to you, He speaks to you on a daily basis. I was at the point where I thought I could handle those certain aspects of my life on my on. However, if I don't listen to God when He tells me simple things how can He trust that I will listen when He tells me my purpose, or when its time to turn right or left. So during those silent times make sure that you draw closer to God, pour into Him. I admit that during silent times its easy to become complacent. However, in order for us to go higher and not quench his voice we have to push and keep striving. We have to pray, journal, spend time in His Word, even if we don't think it won't do any good. Although it may feel a certain way, God is still working and moving. We can't afford to give up or separate ourselves from the Holy Spirit; silent times are an opportunity to cling tighter so we wont miss Him!